I've been looking forward to this book for awhile. Sad to say, it's average at best so far. I do love Frank Quitely's art and, damn, when was the last time he penciled a full issue? One of the early Batman & Robin books three or so years ago, right? It is nice to see him back. His art is great as usual but the colors aren't dynamic enough (it probably doesn't help that they got the same guy, Peter Doherty, to do the colors, design, and lettering). The story by Mark Millar at least has an intriguing premise: two famed U.S. superheroes have kids struggling to live/thrive/survive in their shadow. Why this book just isn't as spectacular as I had hoped is because Millar usually goes balls to the wall and over the top and he provides excitement. This book is closer to PG-13 than R...and rather dull. Hopefully it picks up. ** (out of ****)
Little, Big
3 months ago