YOUNG AVENGERS #1: Well the fanboys on the internet are in an orgiastic frenzy over this. Will that translate to sales? Probably not (go ask Journey into Mystery). The fact that this book is, so far, awful certainly won't help. Granted, it's only one issue. Perhaps it's setting up awesome things to come. Writer Keiron Gillen doesn't seem to understand that you have to hook people early. A #1 issue should blow your mind and make you salivate for #2. This book is just...boring. It's also fucking confusing as hell. It feels like this is issue #12 or something. There's barely an introduction to anyone. I have no clue who these people are besides Kid Loki and Hawkeye's girl friend. Very terrible stuff. -No Stars-
HELLBLAZER #299: The end is neigh. I'm sad...but honestly this book has been merely standard lately save for the awesome Simon Bisley covers. In March it starts as Constantine #1 with a new creative team and no curse words or nudity. This issue is typical; John dies but doesn't. There's a demon. It's #299...don't expect different shit now. **1/2
CHEW #31: So this is the start of the second half of this book. I guess it's stopping at #60 for no real reason. This book could either be better as a monthly forever book or one that stopped at #12. I'm not sure because it has gotten a little stale but it is still amusing and fun. Tony's sister was dismembered and murdered in #30 so this is the funeral. Plus we have the boys working on a case involving deadly energy drinks. With a funeral you'd expect this book to at least show some emotion and swerve a bit but it's all one note fluff. For a book to go sixty issues it really needs to produce more than comedy hijinks. **
HELL YEAH #6: This book is bizarre. It plays with parallel universes and super-heroes but hasn't quite hit the perfect note yet. It also makes no sense. There is a topless hottie in it. Go Image! **
JUSTICE LEAGUE #16: This is "Throne of Atlantis" part three. The army of Atlantis attacks the United States. The art is good (Ivan Reiss) and it's typical group super-hero stuff. I never thought these mega-group books worked for one reason or another. Maybe in the 60's when dumb action was what worked they were good. And it's only #16 and Jim Lee is already gone. DC, you suck. **1/2
Breaking the Silence
1 week ago