The big summer event books are here. DC has Convergence, which I haven't read yet but heard is awful (the Superman and The Question tie-ins have gotten good reviews). Marvel started their 8 part Secret Wars this week with a $4.99 debut with writing by Jonathan Hickman and 32 pages of Esad Ribic art. It should be said that the last time Hickman did a big event book for Marvel it was also meant for the hardcore fans who knew the entire, convoluted back story from multiple previous issues. That book, Infinity, was atrocious. Marvel hasn't learned their lesson. I might have read a few of the 33 issues of The New Avengers and 44 issues of The Avengers that set up Secret Wars. But, apparently, not enough to have any idea what's going on now. Which begs the question: does Marvel want new readers or not? All I know is from what I've read on various comic book websites. So I do know that the Ultimate universe and the Marvel universe are combining. You really wouldn't know that if you only picked up and read Secret Wars #1. And how or why the two universes are combining is still a mystery to me. All I know is that in this issue a bunch of characters talk while things blow up in front of them. I will say that the art by Ribic is glorious. He's one of Marvel's best artists. And we still have 7 more issues to go. It could get better or more coherent. Don't hold your breath. *1/2 (out of ****)
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago