Blood Hunt is Marvel's big event book this year. It's basically if vampires took over the world. The last page reveal in #1 has the leader of the vampires being Blade. Is that supposed to be a shock? Does Marvel even publish a Blade comic book these days? These event books, both for DC and Marvel, have been really awful and really forgettable for a very long time. I'm thinking maybe Marvel's Civil War event was the last time an event book was kind of a big deal. Or, at least, people remember it. How long ago was that? Twenty years ago? It was 2006. I don't even remember what Marvel's event book was last year. I remember DC's event. Knight Terrors. Was it really spelled with a "K"? That's stupid. It probably wasn't. That event was just stupid. I suppose vampires taking over the world is kind of interesting. It does feel like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel with that plot, though. Jed MacKay is writing this and Pepe Larraz is penciling it. The art is average stuff, though way too dark. I guess that's the point because it's horror but it's still hard to make out what's going on. The book opens with the vampire assault already happening. There's no set-up whatsoever. There's also a group of super villain vampires that look like a cosplay group doing Hellraiser villains. That gang reminded me of that one event book that DC and Geoff Johns did that had an alternate version of the DC superheroes from some other universe wreaking havoc. Or maybe it was the villains from Scott Snyder's Metal series. All these dumb events blur together. But this super group take out The Avengers. They stab Thor with a stake through his head. So he's dead and will be gone forever, right? Also Blade stake's Dr. Strange through the heart. So he's gone from Marvel forever, right? The one thing I hated about this first issue and what I tend to hate about most current comic books is that there's very few words in them. I read this book in like 2 minutes. It's $5.99. Would it kill them to, like, put some fucking words in it? Are these writers just lazy? Or is just the times we live in? Everyone only watches short clips on their phones, everyone has a short attention span. Still, I'd rather read something with substance. The key question is: is this book good enough for me to care about the story enough to want to read #2? Or the hundreds of spin-offs? Eh, not really. *1/2
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago