Friday, April 23, 2010

CHEW #10

Perhaps this book has the best art out there these days. It's comical and zany but it tells the story perfectly and fleshes out this bizarre world to a T. This is the final part of the current storyline. What we learn is that there is no such things as vampires. That, and the head guy of the island blows his brains out. And Chu's girlfriend, the food critic, has a Gallsaberry growing in her window sill. This is another odd issue. It seems that every issue adds another layer of strange to the proceedings. Now we have another villain to add to the list that includes Chu's old mentor: the psuedo-vampire. This guy isn't a vampire but he does drink people's blood (not to mention bits of their flesh). Why? He gains that person's skill. Yeah, he's like an X-Men member that can drain people's powers. The cover has a bowl of blood and an eyeball on it. How this cover got into any comic book store without a black bag over it is beyond me. ***

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