Thursday, July 28, 2011


Daredevil has been dark for a very long time. Is that apropos since the main character is blind? I suppose. Bendis, Brubaker, and Diggle's runs on the book were dark, mostly crime based. Diggle brought in demons and magic, but it was still gritty and violent. Writer Mark Waid is the new writer on the book and his stamp is to make it light, airy, and fun. So far it doesn't all. It is a good idea to change a book. You can't have Daredevil brooding and covered in blood for decades, can you? One problem is that Matt Murdoch is a prosecutor and thus he'll always be involved in gangsters, crime, and violence. Can you really make him happy-go-lucky? Isn't that what Spider-Man is for? The art, by Paolo Rivera, is crisp and pretty and neat. It fits the new template, but it's also barren of feeling, emotion, or oomph. The plot has Daredevil fighting The Spot, a truly lame villain, and then eventually running into Captain America. Along the way he finds a new way to live life; he smiles, appreciates things more, and jokes around. It might be positive but it's certainly not fun. I already miss the darkness. *

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