Saturday, August 4, 2012


So there's a new DC series called Earth 2...and it takes place in a parallel universe where Superman and Batman are dead. This book, and last year's Superman: Earth One, take place in a different parallel universe. So what the fuck is the regular DC universe called? Earth Zero? Earth Three? So there's that mild annoyance. The other annoyance is...Gary Frank drew this and Geoff Johns wrote it...and that's a superstar team. They did a great storyline about Braniac in Action Comics a few years back. I'd rather see them doing a Batman story in a regular, monthly book than this, which is a long, hardcover graphic novel. I'm guessing DC makes more cash selling hardcovers. So it's all about money, eh? This particular book is readable, it's enjoyable, but nothing outstanding. It's more or less an origin tale with various differences; The Penguin is just a corrupt mayor. Two Face is just a fresh-faced, Hollywood-style rookie cop. It's light and forgettable. **1/2

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