Well they were never famous, so I guess that gets me off the hook for having no idea who the Guardians of the Galaxy are. This is another re-boot, God forbid Marvel come up with some new super heroes. From glancing at the Wikipedia entry, this band of space heroes was created in the late 60's and ran as a back-up tale in various books. It did get it's own run a few years ago but I don't recall that at all. Basically, a guy from space shows up on earth at a farm and gets a chick pregnant then bolts. The kid is half space hero half earthling. He goes on to lead a group of space dudes that fight evil aliens. This current team includes Groot, a tree-man, a talking raccoon named Rocket Racoon, a big green beast, Draxx, and a hot chick warrior named Gomora. Marvel has a movie based on this hitting screens in August 2014...so I suppose they think people will still care about this book when it hits #18 (that's if it's on schedule). Marvel did bring their big guns to the party; writer Brian Bendis and penciler Steve McNiven. I think both are great but this book is borderline awful. First off, what's up with the main character's hair? Is the talking tree supposed to be funny? McNiven is not good at drawing cartoon characters and this is a bad choice of a book for him. Even Bendis seems to be floundering. The plot has the hero's father mad at him and some alien race attacking earth and Iron Man shows up. Just by adding a name superhero like Iron Man to this proves that Marvel has no faith in these characters. I loved the #0.1 issue but this issue is just bland. *
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago