Thursday, March 21, 2013


I never stopped collecting/reading comic books...but there was a lull about five/ten years ago where I was a little oblivious as to what was going on. I always read Savage Dragon so I was in comic book stores and occasionally buying books...but when Brian Bendis was so popular he was name-checked on The OC I was a little unaware of what was going on. When I got back into the realm I heard/read a ton about The Walking Dead so I picked up #48 and enjoyed it and have read it ever since. I liked Kirkman so I picked up a copy of Invincible and it was okay but I felt totally lost so I picked up all the trades and got caught up. At a certain point I stopped reading Invincible for the sole reason that the library never got the latest trade paperback. With #100 looming I decided to get caught up so I read the "Viltrumite War" and the Dinosaurus saga and I just picked up #101 so I think I'll be reading this monthly from now on. It's about half as good as The Walking Dead...but I do enjoy horror books and zombies more so there is that caveat. As a superhero book, Invincible is good, not great. It's certainly colorful. Kirkman has a knack for a last page cliffhanger/reveal that's cool. In this issue we find out that Mark and his girlfriend will be keeping their child (she had an abortion previously). Mark's dad, Omni-Man, has been exiled on the moon. & Robot and crew are working hard to put the world back together. It's not the world's greatest comic book, but just the fact that it's #101 and it's only had one writer and two artists somehow makes it sweeter. I look forward to another one-hundred issues. **1/2

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