Sunday, December 15, 2013

Short Reviews 12-11-13

THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN #6: First off, I love that all the new Marvel books have their issues numbered like this: 006 instead of #6. Like this fucking book is going to be in the triple-digits someday. With that said, I wouldn't mind. This is a lot of fun. It's a comedy/caper book about bumbling thieves. Not all the jokes work of course, but enough do. Writer Nick Spencer is at least coherent here (unlike Morning Glories) and quite funny. The plot doesn't really matter, but this issue involves a stolen painting of Dr. Doom's real face. Light, easy on the eyes (Steve Lieber pencilled it), and a quality read. **1/2 (out of ****)

DEAD BODY ROAD #1: Writer Justin Jordan's follow-up to his Luther Strode epic is a book that should, seriously, just be re-titled Cliches. A guy's wife is murdered so he sets out, shotgun in hand, to avenge. I suppose #2 and #3 could reveal all sorts of cool, ingenious plot devices that I didn't expect...but this first issue is really debilitating. -No Stars-

UNCANNY #5: One of the year's best books. And the thing is, it's full of cliches and it's super simple but it works. We've got the down on his luck con man with a supernatural power, a shady organization, a military base in South America, car chases. Andy Diggle, who lasted all of one issue this year on Action Comics, is a terrific writer when doing this type of crime/action drama. The art is mediocre but so far it's a hell of a ride. ***1/2

BATMAN #26: This is, without question, the best mainstream book out and the best Batman book since Grant Morrison's run on the flagship title. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have been knocking it out of the park. Every month this is one of the few comics I really look forward to and can't wait to dive into. And it's been a fucking origin story most of the year! Granted, an awesome one that's showed us the birth of The Joker, The Riddler, and Batman. And the glorious colors by FCO Plascencia. This issue focuses on Dr. Death. It's another great issue, even with the lousy cover. ***1/2

CHEW #38: Yeah, this probably should've been a 12 issue series. It's still good but that buzz is gone. Even the over-the-top jokes that were kinda cool early on just feel stale and bad now. The plot? One of the men that know what started the avian flu outbreak is being housed in an underground bunker in a prison. Mason Savoy, the big bad, finds him and bites him and then escapes from said prison and...yeah, this book is fucking bonkers. The art is still crisp, cartoony, amusing. It just feels like it's treading water a bit. **1/2

INVINCIBLE #107: A Robert Kirkman double feature this week. The cover on this book is outstanding. Invincible is really one of the best looking books out there. It looks so vibrant. The plot now has Invincible trying to take care of his pregnant girlfriend while deciding to go off and kill one of his nemesis', Angstrom Levy. But there's more! One of his father's alien race people kisses him...and there's a battle with some underground monsters. Plus the letters page is hilarious. Not all of it is stellar but it's mostly win-win. ***

THE WALKING DEAD #118: This book is amidst its best storyline since The Governor arc. I suppose it isn't too much of a surprise since Negan is a crazy leader hell-bent on domination that goes to war with Rick...which was what The Governor was. But I'd rather read an exciting similar story than a dull fresh one. This particular issue is weak, though. The big news? The black dude's tiger dies in battle (yes, there's a tiger in the book). This storyline, "All Out War," is being double-shipped so Charlie Adlard isn't inking his own stuff. Honestly? It looks worse, albeit similar (I probably couldn't tell if I didn't know). And the voice-over doesn't work in this issue (Kirkman playing new tricks). But it's not terrible and the letters are great as usual. **

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