Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Released on March 18th, 2020

    I feel really bad for the new comic book company, AWA (which means Artists, Writers, and Artisans). Axel Alonso, who used to work at Marvel, started it, and they just shipped their first four books out last Wednesday when the coronavirus pandemic pretty much shut everything down (including comic book stores...Diamond, which does the shipping of comic books to comic book stores, closed their operation today indefinitely). What fucking luck to start right when the comic book industry is closing down for a few months (perhaps longer, who the fuck knows?). And it obviously wasn't easy starting a new comic book company in today's world, now you factor a virus pandemic into it. Sweet Jesus. It probably also doesn't help that their flagship title, The Resistance #1, is literally about a virus pandemic that kills off most of the world's population. Thankfully, the virus becomes dormant halfway into the first issue, otherwise I'm not sure I'd want to continue reading this book. The reason that this is their flagship title is because they got a pretty good team working on it. Artist Mike Deodato, Jr. had previously worked on a bunch of big Marvel titles, including Original Sin with Jason Aaron, Secret Avengers with Ed Brubaker, and also Dark Avengers, Thunderbolts, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Infinity Wars. Dude's been around and the art in this book looks decent, though not particularly spectacular or new or anything. J. Michael Staczynski is writing this. He's done some great work in the past for Marvel, like his runs on Thor and The Amazing Spider-Man, though I haven't seen anything by him in years. So the basic plot of this book is that once a virus kills off most of the Earth's population, the people that are left find that they now have super powers. Kind of feels like an Inhumans rip-off, right? Also not the most interesting plot. Who knows? Maybe it's actually going somewhere awesome. Unfortunately, with a real pandemic going on, we might never even see a #2. *

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