Thursday, July 9, 2020


Released on May 20th, 2020

     The Walking Dead was such a huge hit on TV that Hollywood decided to adapt everything Robert Kirkman was doing. I think every book he's done has been greenlit or is currently in development. Outcast was quickly made into a TV show shortly after the comic book came out. It only lasted 2 seasons on Cinemax and didn't make much of an impact and has now pretty much been forgotten. The reason is probably that it wasn't a very good comic book to begin with and thus it wasn't a very good show. The premise is basically that it's about demonic possession...or, at least, it seemed to be until this current, final arc. The book is ending with #48, and these last few issues are dealing with The Great Merge, whatever the fuck that is. We learned in this arc that it's not demonic possession or any kind of God vs. Satan plot...the evil that's been infecting people is actually from another planet or another dimension. There's also a good light/being thing that can infect people. Okay. This issue, #45, ends with one of the evil people infected saying, "The time for The Great Merge...has come." So maybe #46 is better. For whatever reason, this book has never entirely worked. I guess I can't say that I hate it or it sucks because I've read all 45 issues of it. It's semi-interesting. I think I've just always been waiting for it to break out of it's shell and become something super entertaining and awesome. Also...maybe scary? Has it ever been scary or frightening? Maybe a little. Artist Paul Azaceta is actually the perfect choice for this book and he has done a good job drawing the evil possessed folk and creating a dark, oft-putting mood. By this issue, there's a group of the good guys that have been camping at a farm. But this was all a ruse by the evil guys to get them all together. Perhaps a huge battle will take place next issue. This has always been Robert Kirkman's black sheep book it seems. Nobody talks about it and I don't think it sells very well. Once it's over it'll probably be forgotten like the TV show. *1/2

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