Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The Tower
Part 4 of 12 

    Damn...1,050 issues. That has to be a record, right? Or is there, perhaps, some manga that's gone longer than that? Detective Comics started in 1939. That's insane to think a book started in 1939 still exists. Batman didn't even show up until #27, now on the cover it says "Batman: Detective Comics." I was reading the Wikipedia page for Detective Comics and it's pretty fascinating. They introduced Batwoman in 1956 because Frederic Wertham, an author and psychiatrist, said that Batman and Robin were homosexuals.'s not like Batman or Robin dated Batwoman, did they? Who the fuck knows what was going on back in 1956? Comic book stores didn't exist, I know that. I don't think I ever remember a time when comic books were sold in grocery stories and pharmacies. And I'm 42. Anyway, this landmark #1050 issue isn't really a "special" issue or anything. The only difference is that it has a second backup, which is a preview of Mark Waid's new Batman/Superman book. In "The Tower" part 4, we finally find out the secret behind Arkham Tower magically transforming their crazy patients into docile, controllable, regular folk. Turns out it's Psycho Pirate. The only time I remember him in a comic book is when Tom King used him in his Batman run. Psycho Pirate uses mind control. So that means the new Arkham Tower is using mind control. Okay. Kind of a lame reveal to be honest. Also in the story, Nightwing gets a job as a janitor at Arkham undercover. Batwoman also has a job there. Do they really need two undercover people? Kind of ridiculous. This issue also makes a big deal about Huntress, who was a Bat hero but is crazy and now in Arkham. I don't know Huntress. What books has she been in? I've been reading Batman books for 30 years and have no idea who she is. Writer Marika Tamaki and artist Ivan Reiss did this issue again. That's four straight weeks with the same creative team. Nice! The backup, with Scarecrow and his drug-fueled children attacking Wayne Manor, is good as well. The final backup, the Batman & Superman: World's Finest preview, isn't bad. I was trying to think what Mark Waid's been writing since he left Daredevil and I couldn't figure it out. I know he was writing an Archie re-boot awhile back so I guess that was it? So this was a good landmark issue. Crazy to think kids in the 30's were reading the same book I'm reading now. Worried about Hitler me worried about the pandemic. And reading an engrossing fantasy to escape the world's horrors. Nothing changes, I suppose. **1/2

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