Monday, March 28, 2022


The Tower
Part 12 of 12

    Weird, but I didn't realize that everything pretty much ended in Part 11 last week and this issue is, sadly, just an epilogue of sorts. Everyone got out of Arkham Tower and the Bat people saved the day? I kind of barely remember that. There's not much in this issue. The last page has The Riddler talking on the radio which leads into the next issue. Batman dresses up like Psycho Pirate to trick The Penguin's thugs. The art, by the poor man's Greg Capullo, is actually pretty good in this issue. Granted, it just reminds me painfully how there hasn't been a great Bat book since Capullo was the artist and writer Scott Snyder was fucking killing it. This issue has an ad for the 3rd Batman series that Sean Murphy is writing/drawing. His first one was phenomenal, so there are, I suppose, good Batman books out there sometimes. It's just a bit rare, which is strange, because Batman and his rogues gallery are such compelling villains. There's also an ad for the next big Batman event, a 9 part, Joshua Williamson written mini-series that goes through a bunch of the Bat books. It's called "Shadow War." I really hope it's a lot better than this. I should also mention that in the backup, the kid is shot and killed by The Penguin. What an uplifting ending! And I should also mention that, as usual in this epic serial, the cover is atrocious. *

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