Thursday, May 13, 2010


It took three guys to draw this issue, so I'm guessing that it was important for this to come out before The Return of Bruce Wayne. DC probably didn't want another Captain America: Reborn disaster on their hands. I'm guessing that it's the last page. That masked guy, The Gravedigger, that's been helping Robin and Batman for no apparent reason? It turns out he's The Joker. Yes, that last page when he takes off his mask to reveal himself as The Joker is awesome, chilling stuff. Writer Grant Morrison has made The Joker pretty sadistic in the past. He was more akin to a serial killer in Batman: R.I.P. than a crazy dude spitting one-liners. It will be interesting to see what he's up to. As for the rest of this issue: it's actually pretty boring stuff. Robin confronts his mother, Talia Al Ghul. She basically disowns him. There's also Robin, Alfred, and Batman down in the depths of the bat cave attempting to figure out what happened to Bruce Wayne and what all the clues mean (let me guess: he's not dead. Characters don't really die in comic books for some weird reason). The art is done by Scott Hana, Dustin Nguyen, and Andy Clarke. The art is standard stuff and the cover by Frank Quitely is borderline terrible (why does Batman's leg look like it's broken?). The Joker is back, though, and all is right in the world. **

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