Lex Luthor is now the star of his own comic. I suppose after eight-hundred and eighty-nine issues they've done everything there is to do with Superman. Lex Luthor apparently got hold of some powerful ring during Blackest Night but lost it and now wants that power back. That's the basic premise. He also has a robot that looks like Lois Lane. & he's attacked by Master Mind, a giant slug-like creature. Yes, it's odd, but it's also fairly readable and fun in a dark sense. The art by Pete Woods is standard, but the script by Paul Cornell is fresh and funny. The cover by David Finch is excellent. This isn't anything awesome, though, and honestly, a story featuring Lex Luthor seems to be something that should be shocking, wild, and crazy sick, right? It's getting there, but for now it's just a mildly entertaining ride. **1/2 (out of ****)
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