Monday, July 5, 2010


I guess that DC figured J. Michael Straczynski's debut would be enough to sell a boat-load of this book so they didn't really bother to do much else. They did have the awesome artist Eduardo Risso draw a cover, albeit a variant cover nobody owns. The problem I have is that they had a really big ending to their “New Krypton” storyline that has been going on for the last year and a half. New Krypton was destroyed and General Lane committed suicide. Why didn't they have that stuff occur in this issue, a monumental one? And while Straczynski's debut is cool, it's only ten pages and fairly pedestrian. Superman is faced with the real world. Okay. That doesn't sound very exciting. There are two other stories in the book. In the first, Lois Lane is saved by Superman and then they tell each other how much they love one another. The second story focuses more on Robin than Superman. This book is a lot worse than Batman #700 for a number of reasons. That book at least had the best Batman artists of the last few years work on the book. This book has none of them (unless you love Eddie Barrows). It would have also been nice to see Gary Frank draw the interior (he only supplies the basic cover) and Geoff Johns write a story. For a big issue, this one's a disappointment. *

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