Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is a solid first issue, but I really dislike the premise behind it. One of my favorite storylines in comic books is the birth of Venom, the alien symbiote that came back to Earth with Spider-man after he was battling out in the cosmos during Secret Wars. The alien symbiote eventually attached itself to Eddie Brock and a great villain was born (and Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen's awesome art certainly helped). Decades later and the U.S. Government has the alien symbiote and they're attaching it to special soldiers to help during big missions. This series follows Flash Thompson as Venom as he fights bad guys while struggling with the weight of it all. The art by Tony Moore is incredibly detailed and vibrant and it's certainly the best thing about this book. Writer Rick Remender has one cool idea: a Pumpkinhead villain that cooks the brains of his enemies. The premise, though, is a flawed one. Venom was a great villain. He seemed like he was a lot of fun to draw and it showed. Now he's neutered and thus boring. Yes, it's been two decades of Venom as a bad guy. Marvel does have to evolve to prevent stagnation, but Venom as a good guy does not work at all. I'm guessing this will all lead to a return of the villanious Venom...but this sidetrack is dead on arrival. **

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