Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Robert Kirkman's books have all been pretty pedestrian. If Invincible and The Walking Dead hadn't lasted so long, would he still be such a famous writer? Maybe I enjoy his work because they're pedestrian. His books aren't obtuse like Grant Morrison or some of Alan Moore's stuff. Kirkman feels to me like a regular comic book fan writing a comic book. Sure, it's simplistic and by-the-numbers, but it's entertaining, often thrilling, and he has a knack for good cliffhangers. This is his newest book, a book aimed at kids, about a boy superhero, his scientist father, and his sidekick dinosaur. The plot has this trio fighting a rogue faction of dinosaurs and an evil scientist. It's fun, action packed, and nothing new at all (it actually resembles Invincible a little too much; a superhero kid with father issues that works alongside the U.S. government). The art is by Jason Howard, the dude that did a fantastic job drawing The Astounding Wolf-Man. It's good, clean fun. **1/2

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