Monday, March 12, 2012


Writer Joe Keatinge is younger than me (he was born in '82) and the new "it" guy at Image. He previously worked in the PR department at Image and was the editor of the large Popgun anthologies. These are his first two ongoing books, and they're definitely a great start to what should be an interesting career. Glory #23 is one of the new Awesome Comics books, picking up where the Rob Liefeld book started over a decade ago (it ran from '95 to '97...when Keatinge was just entering high school). I never read the original, but a handy retread here helps that establishes the premise: an evil race and a good race of aliens were fighting on some distant alien planet until the leaders of both races fucked and had a daughter, Glory, a white-skinned, long-haired, warrior Goddess who traveled to Earth to fight crime. Picking up from that we learn that Glory is in bad shape and whatever almost killed her is coming back. The twist is that we learn all this from a junior detective student that's always been fascinated by Glory. So there's a merging of real world and the superhero world that melds nicely and interestingly together. The art, by Ross Campbell, is unique as well; very cartoon-like. A terrific book...which leads to Hell Yeah #1, another odd duck about a college kid with super powers that also (maybe) has super parents. In this world, super heroes from another planet traveled to Earth to change it for the better and now everything is totally different. Both books are bizarre and feel more Image than Marvel or DC. They have an indie streak to them that make them fresh. I picture Joe Keatinge writing Spider-Man in five years and bitching that he used to be better...remember him before he sold out? Kid had it. So enjoy the early stuff and hop on the bandwagon. GLORY #23 **** HELL YEAH #1 **1/2

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