Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Even I don't understand writer Jonathan Hickman's run on Fantastic Four...but his newest, independent book is pretty clear-cut even though a lot of it is similar to the multiple-dimension and space/time mumbo jumbo of FF. The Manhattan Project was the U.S. Government's atomic bomb program. But what if, really, they were coming up with other, weirder projects that we never knew about and the atomic bomb was just the beginning? That's a good premise, but Hickman has added a caveat; what if the guru behind the program, Dr. Oppenheimer, was actually murdered by his twin brother and that guy took over the identity of the government scientist? So there's a serial killer coming up with crazy, new, destructive shit for the government. Plus...the Dr. fights samurai robots in this issue. & colorist Cris Peters truly makes Nick Pitarra's pencils shine. It's win-win. ***

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