Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Published on August 1st, 1989

     This storyline is certainly a slow burn. I'm not sure modern comics could handle something this type of long form storytelling. These days, the big superhero books keep rebooting to #1 and constantly have new creators at the helm. This storyline is also not exactly fan friendly, nor action packed. Maybe that's why it's memorable. I am intrigued and interested in the unfolding plot, which is a good thing and what good comics are supposed to do. I'm also just waiting for the big reveals to come and be disappointing. Either way, in this issue the mysterious villains and their mysterious, yet-to-be-revealed plot goes into action  when they capture Wanda and throw her in a cell that starts to fill with black ooze. But the east coast Avengers find out about this and we see Captain America and She Hulk running from Avengers mansion to the rescue. Black Panther also shows up on the west coast to install a computer program. And Tygra tries to fuck the U.S. Agent. And Wanda's twins keep disappearing. This is all kind of more of a soap opera than an action vehicle. I'm taking a wild guess but I bet kids that read comic books in 1989 weren't enthralled by this book. I'm still wondering why WandaVision was supposedly sort of based on this storyline. And I'm still wondering why Marvel hasn't published a Wanda & Vision comic book to jump on the bandwagon of that super popular TV show. Deep thoughts. **1/2

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