Tuesday, March 30, 2021



Published on October 1st, 1989

    Wait. That's it? While reviewing the last issue, I noted that so many things were happening that this storyline would last forever. Maybe the editor thought the same thing and told John Byrne to wrap it up. This isn't the last issue of "Vision Quest." There's still one more issue in the "Vision Quest" trade paperback, although a lot of these threads probably did continue for some time. The main story/mystery pretty much ends in this issue, and boy is it underwhelming. The scientists behind everything were controlled by a mutant gene/parasite thing that's been around since the beginning of time. It's not even that I don't comprehend everything, it's just that it's such a lame reveal that's it not really worth going into. Suffice to say, the Great Lakes Avengers show up and one of them disarms the big machine that turned Wanda evil (and She Hulk evil in this issue). So everything goes back to normal and that's the end. We never get to see what that Starfox Eternal guy was up to with Nebula, so who the fuck knows what that was all about. Neither do we get more of what the woman in the homeless shelter in Denver had to do with anything. We do get a bit with Tygra attacking Dr. Pym out in California. Seriously, though, why did anyone think WandaVision on Disney+ was based on this? Because Vision and Scarlet Witch are in both? Literally nothing in this comic has anything to do with that show. I'm baffled. I was actually enjoying this book until this big, lame duck of an ending. It was a good set up. Maybe it's because John Byrne is a writer/artist and typically they're not as good at writing. I don't know...maybe the big wrap-up in #50 will be epic and awesome. Sigh. *

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