Tuesday, February 22, 2022


The Tower
Part 7 of 12

    The climax of this issue has Nightwing sneaking into an off limits room at Arkham Tower only to find Psycho Pirate there. So of course Psycho Pirate freezes Nightwing with his words. Here's the thing about these mind-control villains (Marvel has one, The Purple Man); how the fuck are you supposed to beat them? You can't. I forget how Jessica Jones beat The Purple Man. Will power? Psycho Pirate was in Tom King's Batman run and I don't remember how he defeated him. I guess we'll find in next issue how Nightwing defeats him. Or we'll have to wait awhile, as this storyline is moving molasses slow and we still have 5 parts left. In other storyline bits, Dr. Wear gets a loan from The Penguin. And Dr. Wear also owes money to a group of super villains that end up attacking Oracle's Bat person hideout. It's kind of weird that Batman isn't a part of this storyline, right? I read Batman books all the time and have for years but barely know who half of these Bat people are. Who's Huntress? Why is there a Batwoman and a Batgirl? In the backup tale, the boy escapes Arkham thanks to Bane. The backup has just turned into a monotonous villain of the week serial. **

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