Wednesday, February 23, 2022


The Tower
Part 8 of 12

    What a horrible cover. I actually really liked the last cover, the one with Penguin. This one is Batman's mask. Ugh. Whoever is editing this book needs to be fired. And, honestly, DC books have been pretty awful for awhile. There's so many Batman and Superman books that you'd think at least one of them would be awesome but you would be wrong. At least the storyline is heating up in this issue. Finally Arkham Tower gets locked down and the inmates take over. I had noted that Psycho Pirate was a bad villain because it's impossible for a hero to beat him. Nightwing literally beats up instantly when Psycho Pirate just can't mentally control Nightwing any longer. Literally he can only do it for like two pages. What the fuck? In the backup story, we get a scene with Azrael during the infamous "Knightfall" storyline. Honestly? That storyline might suck if I read it now...but when I was a kid I loved that storyline and remember it being a huge deal. I still have that issue of Batman where Bane breaks Batman's back. I wonder if it's worth anything? Probably not, as comics in the early 90's were the most popular they've ever been in history and thus there's so many copies of all of those books. I think one reason comic books started to become popular was because of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film. Was that the catalyst? I'm still kind of surprised comic book stores still exist. No one ever talks about comic books. You never hear about comic books. They're like in the shadows. Weird. *

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