If you're wondering what happens in this issue, the big finale to the ultra-lame "Endless Winter" story, then The Flash can fill you in. Aquaman shows up late and so The Flash tells him, "Batman, Wonder Woman, and Hippolyta discovered the real Frost King in a cavern...Superman and Black Adam are having a slight disagreement...and we summoned the spirit of the viking prince to inhabit a giant Swamp Thing body...who is currently fighting a huge Frost King avatar that's absorbed Kryptonian energy crystals." This is ridiculous and ludicrous, yet this is comics in its purest form. This kind of reminded me of how the new Wonder Woman movie got a few negative reviews and I thought: you know what? The people that don't like this movie don't like comic books...because Wonder Woman 1984 is kind of the apotheosis of comic books. It's fucking ridiculous! Silly, over-the-top, and with a child's sense of story and adventure. It's not serious Nolan Batman...which the critics adored. Most comic books are not Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns or Alan Moore's Watchmen. Most are like "Endless Winter," at least if you consider the whole history of comics since the 1930's. Granted, the dark, serious stuff tends to get the accolades these days, but comic books were born for kids. Maybe "Endless Winter" is just old school, and that's why it feels so irrelevant. This issue is the best of the series, though mostly because it's pretty much just an issue long fight scene. The Justice League does not kill the Frost King...he just ends up turning back into his human self. Stagg gets arrested. And we see that Black Adam was imprisoned back in the 10th century. Alls well that ends well! This issue does kind of put a period on DC comics for now. Starting next week, DC is only publishing Future State books for January, February, and March. And when the regular books return, there will be some new books and some new creative teams. The only Future State book I'm interested in reading is John Ridley's Batman. That book was actually supposed to the regular Batman book for the forseeable future but DC fired Dan Diddio and got rid of his 5G idea which was supposed to be forever but is now just 3 months long. So this ends the saga of the Frost King. I kind of wish they had killed him off...because I never want to see him again. *1/2
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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