Funny how a snowstorm hit today and right now sleet is pounding against my window as I review a book called "Endless Winter." We only got maybe four or five inches but it's been awhile since we had a major nor'easter around here. I probably should be reading a book set in a tropical paradise or something. And the big thing that bothers me about this book is that this endless winter is supposed to have temperatures plunging to fifty below yet there's all these scenes of regular people walking around outside. Wouldn't you die instantly from that? Granted, I can't really complain about logic when there's characters flying around or running super fast. But with crazy stuff like that you'd think this book would be fun, right? I mean...superhero books are supposed to be fun. At least, that was the point before The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen kind of brought forth this noir style of comic book. So no, this event isn't fun. It's kind of depressing. The Frost King was a guy in the 10th century that lost his son. And now, in the current time period, the world is awash in a gloomy, endless, frozen tundra with monsters. There are a few comedic quips here and there, but not enough to make this book light hearted. It does feel kind of old school in that it's fairly simplistic. In this issue, we get more 10th century flashback. Black Adam flies through the air and rams the Frost King. Why is Black Adam still alive now, though? I don't even really know who that character is. What hero's villain is he? Or is he just some random DC bad guy that pops up everywhere? We also get the Justice League battling the Frost King...but no! It's just an avatar! Huh? I've never liked the Justice League book, mostly because it's never been any good, though team books usually never are for whatever reason. It was announced today that Brian Bendis is going to be writing Justice League soon. Ugh. At least he might still have the artist that did this book, Xermanico. Yep, dude has a one word moniker like he's Prince or something. But his art was better than the flashback art. This event is moving at a glacial pace. Get it? "Glacial" because it's about winter? Sigh. 1/2*
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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