I've read comics for a little over 30 years and have never read a Teen Titans book. I don't even really know who they are. I'm assuming a superhero group of teenagers. I thought Robin was in the group but he's not, nor maybe never was. I'm wondering if this book was ever popular or ever good. What is the deal with it? Wikipedia says that it started in 1964 and Robin was a member. So was Aqualad, perhaps the dumbest superhero name ever. Jeez, no wonder comic books have always had that "nerd" moniker attached to them. "Who the fuck d'you think you are? Aqualad?" a bully might have said in 1965 before stuffing a comic book lover into a locker. Or not. Wikipedia also mentions that Aqualad dated Aquagirl. Seriously, this Wikipedia entry for Aqualad is much more entertaining than Teen Titans Endless Winter Special #1. It mentions that "while trying to free the ascending Golden Eagle from the clutches of a member of the Wildebeast Society, Aqualad fell from a great height, his body mangled and his bones shattered on the rocks of a sea wall below." Later on, Aqualad became Tempest and "destroyed the Aquagirl zombie that had seduced him and, using his full range of powers, sent his uncle back into the other-dimensional prison void, sealing the portal forever." He sure lived a full life. There's more, but of course there is...there's 54 years of history for the character. Sadly, Aqualad/Tempest is not in "Endless Winter" part 6. The Teen Titans are a bunch of unknowns to me, though one of them is a Jr. Flash character. The only part of this book that kind of moves the plot forward is when Wonder Woman and The Flash show up and go to Wonder Woman's home, the island where all the warrior chicks live. And that's the big climax. This event so far has been pretty awful, and this is by far the worst issue. The writing and art in every issue has been fairly mediocre. I'm not entirely sure who decided it was a good idea to even do this book. Part 7 is next week in Justice League Dark, a book I thought didn't exist anymore. Is John Constantine still in it? That'd be kind of funny, actually. 1/2*
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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