Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Released on September 10th, 1971

     I'm starting to wonder when this Kree/Skrull war actually starts. It is going on...somewhere out in space. We did hear about that in the last issue. But when will The Avengers go out to space and get involved? Apparently never, as Captain America, alongside Thor and Iron-Man, says, "We three hereby declare The Avengers disbanded--for all time." So that's it. The comic book has ended. Goodbye forever. Wait. What? No, The Avengers aren't disbanded for all time? No? The comic book keeps going for another fifty years and there's multiple movies? Those fucking liars. So I guess even back then things didn't stick and nothing was permanent. Although the cover to #93 says it's "All-New! All-Great!" Which is different. An "all-new" book these days would've been a new The Avengers #1 (and with a ridiculous $7.99 price tag probably...although #92 boasts that it's "Still 15¢"...#93 is 25¢). So some things have gotten worse. As for this issue, I'm guessing it's a set-up for The Avengers going into outer space to fight in this war. After they saved the day last issue, it gets leaked to the press that Captain Marvel is a Kree and the Krees were trying to take over Earth. So the U.S. politicians create an investigation and soon the public hates The Avengers, think they're hiding an alien traitor, and soon things boil over and The Avengers go on trial. The funniest moment is when The Vision is in court and asked to swear on The Bible. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth--so help you God?" The Vision answers: "My advanced circuitry is such that it is difficult, if not impossible to do otherwise." The judge says, "A simple 'I Do' would have been sufficient, Vision." Carol Danvers, who's Captain Marvel these days, shows up, although I don't think she was an alien back then (maybe that's a big reveal yet to happen). Sal Buscema did the art in this issue, and it's fantastic, although Neil Adams takes over in the next issue. As far as narrative continuation, this book is great. I've always preferred these types of books than the one-in-done adventures. But this issue, since it's no action and just government/public vs. mutants...is kind of boring. Bring on the fucking space war, already! **

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