Saturday, April 18, 2020


Released on March 18th, 2020

     There's a huge death in Ascender #10...and I'm wondering if this book is probably better reading it in trades, since I vaguely even remember who the woman that dies is. Descender was a great book, a true modern classic. Jeff Lemire wrote it and Dustin Nguyen did the art. When that book ended they picked everything back up years later with the same characters in Ascender. The only difference is that this new book has magic in it, so it's more like Lord of the Rings when the first volume was more like Star Wars. The first book had Andy as a boy, but he's a man now with a kid. He kills the mother of his kid in this issue because she's become a vampire and wanted to die. Meanwhile, their kid is having her own adventure with a few other ragtag heroes. The big reveal at the end is the return of Driller, a robot from the first book. This issue ends volume II...which I'm guessing is volume II of Ascender. I actually read this book every month but am a little lost, which is why I mentioned that reading it in trades might make it more coherent. I do love this book, as it's one of the few books I usually read when it first comes out (granted, this issue came out a month ago...but it's also probably going to be the last issue of this series for awhile because of the pandemic). Ascender has a big bad known as Mother, who's kind of a witch because she has powers and sort of controls/brainwashes most of the world. There's also vampires in this series that are sort of Mother's army. Then there's Andy who was living with his daughter on the fringes of society and trying to keep things quiet and simple until he was forced to become a hero again. While Ascender isn't as interesting as Descender, it's still a very cool book. The one standout is still the art. I probably should go on Youtube or somewhere and find out how Nguyen does the art. It looks like he draws it then paints over it with water colors. He might just use a computer to make it look like that...but either way this book looks like nothing you've ever seen. It's beautiful. It's also Jeff Lemire's best book...which is saying something because he literally seems to be writing a hundred books every month (just off the top of my head I know he's been writing Joker: Killer Smile, Black Hammer, and Gideon Falls lately). It's also saying something that, unlike a lot of comics, I'm really looking forward to the next issue. ***

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