Saturday, April 11, 2020


Released on February 10th, 1972

     This was a good issue. And, let's face it, this is basically part 1 of the "Kree/Skrull War." Sure, the issues before this set it all up, but finally everyone is in space and finally a war is going on. I've pondered in every review why this story is so famous, a classic, is so well known. Maybe because so much is going on...there's so much stuffed into every issue, so much backstory...that to understand it, to know the callbacks, to be invested in something that's been built up for probably rewarding. I guess. So far it's just a fun, little, silly space opera. In this issue the true Avengers (Iron-Man, Captain America, and Thor) go into space and find themselves against a Skrull armada. And we learn that the reason Earth is even involved in the two aliens' space battle is because Earth sits in the middle of their two galaxies...making it a strategic point. So of course the only thing the aliens want to do is blow Earth up. I'm guessing that Earth doesn't get blown up. Although, that'd be funny if it did. It's not like dead things in the Marvel universe never get resurrected (*ahem* Elektra, Norman Osbourne...okay, literally everyone has died at one point and came back). The other part of the book has Rick Jones stuck on the Kree world where he's taken prisoner and conveniently locked in a room with the Intelligence Supreme, some sort of green alien with only a face. That creature has apparently been behind everything...then sends Rick Jones into the Negative Zone. And so we're down to one last issue in this story line. The big finale! I hope The Vision and Wanda finally get together. I'm guessing Rick Jones becomes a hero. What I know doesn't happen is that the Kree and Skrulls aren't completely destroyed or anything because they're still around all these years later. The Skrulls even made it into last year's Captain Marvel movie...which had a female Captain Marvel. So what did happen to the original Captain Marvel? Does he perish while saving the day in the finale? Maybe that's why it's so famous. I'm still wondering...all these years later. ***

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